Away Message - out now
Everywhere you stream music, and available CD. Yes, CD.
Thank you so much for all of the love and support for Glory Hole. Who would have thunk a song about using anonymous sex to distract you from existential dread would catch on???
(The Locker Room Mix)
Making music is making magic. I’ve been wanting to give my song Quarterback a breath of fresh air for a while now. When the opportunity arose to perform one of my songs at a talent show for The Trevor Project, I knew Quarterback would meet the moment. I asked my friend and collaborator Metro if he’d be down to play with me, and he was enthusiastic. He asked his friend Nick if he’d hop on guitar and we were set. I went to Metro’s studio to track the song. We knew we wanted it to be a stripped down affair, and that we wanted to get it right in a single take. The version you see and hear is the last one we did for the night, and the best one.
photo by Wolverine Photos
Oh hey!
At first I wrote this little bio from the third person, like it was some kind of press release. Sorry to pull back the curtain but I’m my own press, and my own everything actually. I’m Jake, and I love music. After bouncing around the country including six years in LA, I landed home in Chicago. This is the city I ran wild in, made some of my best friends who either still live here or moved back too, and where I want to build community with other musicians and creatives.
I just finished writing, recording, producing, and releasing my first EP. called Away Message. It’s available right here on my website. I’m in the writing phase of a full record
Thanks for coming by!
xo Jake